Bulk Upload

You Are about Loading Contact from an Excel Sheet.


  • The Excel File must Be Saved as .CSV (comma dilimitted variables)
  • The columns must be in the order stated to be recognised by the Bulk Upload Engine

  • Column A: Full Name
  • Column B: Gender
  • Column C: Address
  • Column D: DistrictID (Numeric)
  • Column E: Phone Number
  • Column F: Type (ft for first timers, nc for new converts, ftnc for both)
  • Column G: Are you a member? (1 for No, 0 for No)
  • Column H: Today's Date (any date format)


List of Districts

District ID District Name
1 Loving Kindness
2 Refiners Fire
3 Shiloh
4 Glory of Zion
5 Testimony
6 Perfect Peace
7 Wisdom
8 Goshen
9 Hebron
10 Holiness
11 Paradise
12 Charity
13 Root of David
14 The Lord's Chosen
15 Goodness of the Lord
16 Restoration
17 Testimony
18 Far Distance